hey I didn't forget, I've just been moving

what's up? if literally anyone subscribed to my rss, thanks. I'm gonna get actual blog software and post more soontm, but I've been busy moving!! so busy!! I cannot recommend enough that you do not move to literally the opposite side of the country if you can help it, especially as a first time mover. I paid a great deal of money to move a single u-haul u-box from Florida to Oregon, and had to work a great deal to fit my entire life into that box, and I now live in a little apartment. now watch me bust out my antiquated html skills to tell you how that's going.

sorry if this looks bad on mobile, but please view this site on a real computer like god intended thanks



Living alone! In my own place! It cannot be understated how good that feels after spending way too long living with my folks. Oh my god there is so much shit to update and fix. I still have to tell like three more government agencies my new address and shit.
Living in a city and state that doesn't suck so much ass. The political climate here is way better (i.e. not having to live on a street literally end-to-end full of Trump voters), there's actual public transit and social services, there's tons of good food, everything I need is in walking distance, and my dear younger sibling lives here too! Still gonna have to keep hearing about Trump despite my best efforts. The day I flew here was the 4th. I voted early in Florida 2 days before, and the election happened while I was crashed on an air mattress in my empty apartment. Do you wanna know how I found out we're in for four more years of this shit? My sibling's GF was going to help me move my stuff in the next day and bailed because the results left her despondent.
Thanks to some skillful planning, I spent only two nights without my stuff (though sleeping on an air mattress was fuckin rough) .. and sleeping is still kinda tough, because I live in a city now. Like, an urban area in the immediate vicinity of a college in an actual city, whereas I lived in a little tourist town before this. The noises late into the night haven't been easy.
The weather here is great. Personally, not seeing the sun (directly, anyway) doesn't bother me much, and all the cool weather and rain is cozy. I don't own a car, which is good, because I hate driving and the roads around here are much more complex than I'm used to. but this means I have to walk everywhere. Groceries and laundry are both a mile away. I've done a few grocery runs and every single one has ended with walking home through rain. I don't mind being rained on, but my open bags of groceries do!! I'm not yet attuned to whatever signs presage a precious hour or two without rain.
My apartment is actually part of a small complex of separated buildings. More like townhomes, really. So no shared walls to worry about! And the rent is pretty cheap! Everything in it is so extremely crappy and dated. Cracks, painted over fixtures, drawers that barely open, tubs and sinks are chipped and stained, doors don't fit in their frames, the screen door was already broken when I got here, the fucking water heater is in my bedroom closet, the heating-- hold on
this entire row is dedicated to the ridiculous fucking heating system in this apartment. the heat vents are on the ceiling. not like, just kinda high, but literally as high as possible on the walls. standing on my toes I can just barely put a hand in the air stream. this is extremely fucking wrong, as anyone with a basic understanding of thermodynamics could tell you. warm air rises, which is why heating is usually piped in around the baseboards. my heat all just sits above the room, doing nothing for my cold fucking wooden floors. and there is no circulation or ceiling fans in the place. the vents aren't even angled down!! what sort of absolute nincompoop would design HVAC like this?? (my only solace is that a cheap 15$ fan is enough to fix this issue. just put it on the floor pointed up and the room will warm up much better.)

all in all, moving here's been positive. there's lots of little annoyances and rough edges (and also the Trump thing, fucking ugh), but I'm my own person out in the world now.. the reason I'm typing this up finally is I got enough furniture that I now have a desk and chair to type at. my life is gaining just enough resemblance to how it used to be that I can have a normal day, instead of feeling like I'm just killing time waiting on things to catch up. anyhoo, see you soon-ish. when I get it together and blog properly once more.

you can jump back to my home page here and contact info page here. still not touching bluesky, still slightly considering some other stuff.